Middle School Programs


Helping 6th-8th graders transition to high school

For middle school participants, Jobs for Delaware Graduates, Inc. offers a leadership program designed to help students in grades 6 to 8 successfully transition to high school. Our teachers deliver a competency-driven curriculum that prepares students for high school through leadership, skills development, career association, and project-based learning. Each grade level builds on concepts to prepare students for their transition to high school. 

13 Schools

Middle School Curriclum

Experiential-based learning is used to energize classroom sessions, anchor key learning, engage students in best practices, and demonstrate the power of activity-based and adventure-based learning. Each grade level builds on concepts to prepare students for their transition to high school. 

Grade 6

Middle School Transition
Goal Setting
Introduction to Research
Peer Pressure
Service Learning
Character Development
Healthy Choices

Grade 7

Organizational Skills
Study Skills
Decision Making
Team Building
Character Development
Healthy Choices


Grade 8

Career-based Learning
Leadership Development
High School Transition
Independent Living

Middle School Programs

Middle School Programs by Location

WordPress Table
Delaware Schools
1350 +
To learn more about JDG’s Middle School Model, please contact our MS Program Supervisor.

Methods & Activities

A Closer Look

Curriculum is delivered using project-based learning, a student-centered instructional strategy that engages students in solving real-world problems and helps them develop 21st Century Skills. Experiential learning, involvement in the Career Association, and community service opportunities are coupled with instruction to prepare students for their transition to high school.

school icon

Learning through Leadership

Students are members of the Delaware Career Association, a student-led group designed to develop, practice, and refine critical skills delivered in the classroom. Chapter members elect officers, serve on committees, develop and execute a plan of work, participate in skills-based competitions and seek recognition for chapter projects and accomplishments.

JDG High School Program

Civic Awareness

Community-based learning activities are designed to encourage involvement and attachment to the community to emphasize citizenship and responsibility using the following techniques—service learning projects, volunteerism, and fundraising.

JDG Work-based Learning

High School Transition Follow Up

Students participate in activities to enhance their transition out of middle school, including visits to local high schools and guests speakers from our high school programs. JDG teachers maintain contact with students transitioning into the 9th grade to provide continuity and support during the move to high school.